Olis Paintings
Oli – The Journey from Hotel Management to Painter: A Journey Between Bipolarity and Creativity
As a child, Oli dreamed of a world full of colors and shapes. A life shaped by the freedom of creative expression, where he could engage with the art of painting without restrictions. But life, as it often does, had other plans for him. Instead of picking up a paintbrush, Oli followed the conventional paths that his environment set for him – yet the urge for art remained ever-present. The story of Oli’s life is not just a tale of renunciation but also of transformation. It is a story about the courage to change one’s life and embark on the search for what truly fulfills.
Childhood: The First Encounter with Art
From an early age, Oli had a deep connection to art. Colors and shapes were his first companions, always fascinating him throughout his childhood. It was a time of play and discovery, a time when he perceived the world in his own, creative way. These early impressions left a lasting mark on him and created an enduring desire to engage more deeply with the world of art.
But like many children driven by a dream, Oli had to quickly face reality. The world outside his creative universe was not always ready to accept or nurture this passion. Instead, the focus was placed on practical life decisions, and Oli eventually found himself in an entirely different direction – one that led him farther from art than he could have ever imagined.
Adolescence: The Path to Fashion Design
During his teenage years, Oli’s interest took a decisive turn: the fascinating world of fashion captivated him, igniting a passion for clothing design. To him, fashion was more than just an outward style – it was a powerful way to transform and reshape a person’s identity. Fashion became for Oli a form of “art of transformation,” allowing one to change their self-image and simultaneously influence the interaction between the wearer and their environment.
The idea that fashion not only shapes outward appearance but also a person’s inner being fascinated Oli. The power of clothing, how it shapes and changes the perception of a person, became a central theme in his early engagement with art. This interplay of cause and effect, the manipulation of the parameters of identity, perception, and change, is still a guiding motif in Oli’s work. It is the red thread that accompanies his artistic journey and runs through his creations.
Professional Career: From Hotel Management to Film Production
Despite the burning passion for art and design that had gripped him since his youth, Oli decided to follow a seemingly safe and “reasonable” path. The voices of reason and society whispered that he should choose an “honorable” profession – one that would ensure a good income and help him leave a mark. So, he initially let his artistic soul rest and stepped into a tradition that promised a solid foundation. He became a hotel manager, then a start-up film producer, and finally a sales and marketing consultant. Yet, in each of these career steps, he felt how the longing for the freedom to express himself creatively lived on deep within him – an indelible flicker that never completely faded.
But despite the immense creative potential that many of his professional activities brought, Oli increasingly felt alienated. The projects he worked on had little to do with the overarching, meaningful goals he had secretly always desired. The art he had loved so much in his childhood slowly receded into the background, and Oli began to develop the feeling that he was a fraud – living a life that did not align with his true self.
This feeling of alienation eventually led to a classic “midlife crisis.” The pressure and frustration grew until Oli finally decided to take some time off and work on himself. During this period of reflection, a decisive turning point occurred in his life.
The Turning Point: The Decision to Become an Artist
On his 50th birthday, Oli made a decision that would change his life forever: he would spend the second half of his life as a painter. It was a spontaneous yet deeply considered decision. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he said to himself. “I dreamed of becoming a painter since I was a child.” Yet, time and again, it was the external circumstances that had held him back – the pressure of society, the necessity of earning money, the expectations of his family. Now, at a time when he had a clearer understanding of his own values and needs, he was finally ready to live the dream that had been denied to him for so long.
With each brushstroke, Oli’s creative vision unfolded, going beyond mere fantasy and delving deeply into the layers of his own life experiences. Painting became for him more than just an artistic expression – it became a mirror of the dualities that shape life. In his works, the contradictions of existence merge into a powerful unity: the beauty hidden in the darkness, the joy that goes hand in hand with fear, and the isolation that is only revealed through the traces of his journey through the highs and lows of life that have shaped him into the artist he is today.
Oli’s Art: Between Figurative and Abstract
Oli’s artworks are unique in their depth and expressiveness. What makes his painting so special is the dialogue between different levels of reality. In his images, both figurative elements and abstract forms interact, creating an ongoing interplay between clarity and ambiguity.
A central theme in Oli’s work is the “bipolarity” of life – the contrast between positive and negative experiences, between light and shadow, between closeness and distance. These polarities are what make life what it is, and they are reflected in his images. It is this dualism that Oli portrays in his works – the connection between beauty and sorrow, joy and loneliness.
The layering visible in Oli’s paintings is another characteristic feature of his style. Each image is built up in multiple layers, each one adding a new level of meaning and interpretation. This layering creates a depth that invites the viewer to discover new details and facets time and again. What initially appears abstract reveals itself as a concrete image upon further observation, and what seems tangible at first transforms into an abstract representation. These shifting perspectives are what make Oli’s art so fascinating and multifaceted.
The Impact of His Art: A Reminder of the Beauty of Life
Oli believes that art has one primary task: it should remind us that life – and all of us – are beautiful, despite all the difficulties and challenges. In a world often defined by fear, isolation, and alienation, his intent is to use his paintings to bridge the gap and remind viewers of the positive sides of life. “I want to work on things that make me and others happy,” says Oli. “And that’s what my paintings should convey: that life is beautiful, that we are beautiful – despite everything.”
The diversity in Oli’s works, which allow new discoveries upon closer inspection, is an expression of this belief in the beauty of life. They are images that are never quite finished, always offering new perspectives and encouraging the viewer to engage more deeply with themselves and the world.
The Path of an Artist
Oli’s journey from hotel manager to film producer and marketing consultant, and finally to painter, is a powerful story about the courage to follow one’s dreams, even when they seem distant and unattainable. It is the story of a deep inner transformation, a journey toward self-realization, and the unceasing search for the true meaning of life. Through art, Oli not only found a way to express himself, but also a healing process that accompanied him during his darkest moments and helped him see the world with new eyes.
With his painting, Oli reminds us of the importance of the bipolarity of life and shows us that both the bright and dark sides of life have their place. In a world often shaped by black-and-white thinking, Oli invites us to accept the diversity of experiences and celebrate life in all its depth and beauty.
Oli has decided to dedicate the second half of his life to painting – and with every brushstroke, he gives us a reminder that true beauty resides in all of us, regardless of our mistakes and fears. His art speaks a deep truth: we are complete just as we are, and we deserve to see ourselves in all our unique splendor.
Wolfgang Arnold
A life for art and its diversity
Eisenach, Germany – Wolfgang Arnold, born in Eisenach in 1954, is much more than just a restorer and artist. With a fascinating life story and a passionate commitment to the visual art, he has built a rich artistic experience that makes it a significant name in the art scene.
Arnold’s journey through the world of art started early in his childhood in the village near Eisenach. Even then, he showed an extraordinary interest in pictures, art and history that accompanied him on his life. Inspired by masterpieces of visual arts and history, he spent many hours to draw and deal with various epochs and cultures.
After training as a painter, Arnold studied as a restorer at the University of Applied Sciences for Advertising and Design Berlin, Potsdam branch. His interest spanned Gothic art to the art of the 20th century, whereby he dealt intensively with various techniques and styles. In addition to his work as a freelance restorer, he also worked as a specialist advisor for monument conservation and made expert opinion for construction projects within the Strausberg monument protection authority.
But Arnold’s passion for art goes far beyond the restoration. Over the years he led painting courses in artistic education in schools and clubs, taught drawing and painting techniques at adult education centers and other facilities and created numerous illustrations, caricatures and murals. His artistic range ranges from landscape painting and Plein-Air art to experimental photography and the production of stucco marble and gilding techniques.
For Arnold, art is not just a visual experience, but a source of inspiration and expression. “What is art and what can art do?” He asks and replies: “Beauty, power of diabolical, symbolism, chaos. The work of art needs the viewer as a separate artist. ”
With his rich wealth of experience and deep passion for art, Wolfgang Arnold remains an outstanding personality that enriches the world of art and culture.
Lia and Elvira
Lia Tee was born in Siegen, in a very unspectacular environment full of Hardware stores and free evangelical churches. After 7 years in Cologne, she moved in 2015 to Berlin. She bought her first camera (a Canon1800D) in 2017. Since 2019 she started to photograph a bit more professionally, in addition to her studies in the Comparative Literature and Film at the Free University of Berlin. Her artistic motifs are emotions, lack of emotions, strength, weakness, the human being in connection with his environment, ambivalence and tolerance of ambiguity, and, moreover, the apocalypse. Her pictures are often naïve, somewhat out of focus or blurry, imperfect. All from a feminist point of view. The models are often friends, the stories that are told are about contemporary processes and are often created with the help of Everyday objects, as if random and semi-improvised.
Elvira Nisman, originally born in Moldova in 1989, has her artistic Gone and existence only in 2019 after some professional and adventurous stations found. However, her passion and dedication to photography has already accompanied her for a long time. Throughout life, above all as a visual medium for one’s own self-liberation and not most recently as a therapy. Elvira’s photographs deal with the themes of identity, more unconventional beauty, unspoken interpersonal relationships, emotions and Non-emotions.
On the one hand, her works are characterized by a minimal, clean aesthetic and on the other hand, by striking dimensions. She likes to demand uncomfortable things, unfiltered truths and depression and makes it through photography and writing to transform them into a very special beauty of their own. Her motifs are mostly people she happens to approach on her many travels, Models of all kinds, or even best friends who have their very own in front of Elvira’s lens. Telling history – preferably with a poetic, bitter aftertaste. Elvira works both freely and artistically in projects with social and societal background, as well as for commercial customers in the field of advertising photography. She’s freelance in Berlin, as well as ready for use worldwide.
Nick Enselmann
Nick Enselmann (*1992 in Hagen) has lived in Berlin since 2014, where he created the abstract Painting has discovered itself. For five years now, he has been playing analog and digital canvases that reflect the aesthetics of the everyday in the abstract Open up room for interpretation. The changeable in perception is in the Focus; a search and finding in shapes and colors, an equal view and Seeing differently in the exchange of those who meet in front of the screen – in the Communication with art. The exhibition “You see what I don’t see?” invites you to do so.”
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 220 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 260 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 260 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 280 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 280 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 360 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 280 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 280 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 400 €
Größe: 30×40
Gerahmt 40×50,
Preis: 450 €
Größe: 30×40
Gerahmt 40×50
Preis: 410 €
Größe: 30×40
Gerahmt 40×50,
Preis: 410 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 320 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 280 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 280 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 260 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 240 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40, Glasscheibe
Preis: 260 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40,
Preis: 260 €
Größe: 20×30
Gerahmt 30×40,
Preis: 360 €
Dietrich Tosch
Studium in Berlin – Diplom der Akademie für Grafik und Design Berlin
„Ein Deutscher mit französischen Farben“
(Presse-Zitat: Riviera Côte d ́Azur-Zeitung 11/2007)
Umfangreiche Südfrankreich-Reisen haben meinen Malstil stark
beeinflusst. Es sind Bilder in den Farben der Provence, im Stil des
französischen Impressionismus und inspiriert von Renoir u. Monet.
Einzelausstellungen u.a. im „Maison de France“ am Kurfürstendamm
Berlin, bei Christofle und Féraud Berlin, Kunstauktion am Montmartre
Paris, in Montatair b. Paris und weitere Ausstellungen in Frankreich,
Berlin, Dresden, Potsdam und im Land Brandenburg.
Medienecho in Deutschland und Frankreich (u.a. „RIVIERA COTE
COSTA AZZURA, „Rhein-Main Presse-Allgemeine Zeitung“, „Berliner
Morgenpost“, „B.Z.“, „Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten“, „Dresdner
Kurier“, „Unternehmer Magazin“, „Kultur-Kanal“, „Art&Ambiente“ usw.
Liebhaber provençalischer Farbenpracht, heiterer französisch-
impressionistischer Bilder und des “savoir vivre”, fanden Interesse an
meinen Bildern.
Sie sind in Privatbesitz in Deutschland, Frankreich, Brasilien, den
Niederlanden und in New York.
dio – dioletart
Ganzes Video auf Youtube anschauen
Wir präsentieren euch ab dem 12.03.2022 die neue Berliner Künstlerin Dio. 1982 im Harz geboren, wuchs sie in einer kreativ
begabten Familie auf, Vater Steinbildhauermeister, Mutter Malerin.
Sie lebt seit 2012 in Berlin, die Stadt, die sie schon als Kind
magisch in ihren Bann gezogen hat und von der sie sich immer wieder
kreative Impulse erhofft. Hier arbeitet sie in der Verkaufsbranche im
Parallel dazu lebt sie ihre künstlerischen
Ambitionen sowohl in der Musik als auch in der
Malerei in vielen Facetten aus, denn schon seit
frühester Kindheit hat sie intuitiv nach kreativen
Ventilen gesucht, um ihren Emotionen Ausdruck
zu verleihen.
Als Singer-Songwriterin hat sie in mehreren Bands
ihre musikalische Seite verwirklichen können.
Derzeit arbeitet sie unter „ultradiolet“ an ihrem
Beim Malen spielt das Hören von Musik für sie zudem eine entscheidende
Rolle, es öffnet Ihr den Zugang zum Malprozess.
Ausgestattet mit dem „Wiegentalent“ entwickelte sich dann
in der Jugend die Passion zur Malerei, welches sich in späteren Jahren nach ihrem Motto intensivierte:
„Die Kunst ist wie ein Portal – von meiner Seele zur Außenwelt“.
Sie beschreibt ihre eigenwillige Schaffensphase als einen für
sie intensiven Befreiungsprozess, der sich in der besonderen Technik und dem
Endergebnis reflektiert.
Die Geschöpfe in ihren Bildern verbergen sich für sie im
vermeintlichen Chaos des je nach Stimmung gespachtelten
Hintergrundes – sie „befreit“ sie lediglich und findet in
ihnen ihren „Seelenspiegel“.
„Wenn Gedanken oder Gefühle zu laut werden, weil Sie raus wollen, mache ich sie sichtbar.
In meinen Bildern werden Sie dann friedlich und geben mir Energie, so als spürte ich Ihre Dankbarkeit dafür, dass ich Sie befreit habe.“
Technik: Mehrschicht-Acrylmalerei,
Konturen- und Lackstifte, teils auch Blattgold
Die Künstlerin wünscht sich mit ihren Werken Menschen emotional positiv zu erreichen.
Sie möchte den Weg für den Blick in sich selbst öffnen, zum Nachdenken anregen und Hoffnung, Zuversicht sowie Lebensfreude vermitteln.
Wir freuen uns auf diese einzigartige Ausstellung und laden euch zu Dios Vernissage am 12.03.2022 ab 18:00 Uhr ein.
Kommt unbedingt vorbei!
Dorota Samborski
Acryl auf Leinwand
100 x 100 x 3,5 cm
2400 €
Acryl auf Leinwand
23K – Blattgold
100 x 100 x 2 cm
2400 €
2008 bis 20-21
Acryl auf Leinwand
85 x 140 x 2 cm
2600 €
3D Objekt – Skulptur Mischtechnik
Alabastergips, Kunststoff Büste
Gesamthöhe ca. 44 cm
1450 €
Acryl auf Holz – 23K BlattGold – 9 mm
Munition Luger, H 8,7 cm x B4,8 cm x T 2,3 cm
50 €
Orig. Stempel mit Schriftzug – 3 x 9 mm
Munition – H 8,6 x B 5,2 x T 2 ,6 cm
50 €
23K BlattGold auf Holz – 3 x 9 mm
Munition Luger – H. 8,7 x B 4 x T bis 2,5 cm
50 €
Meriana Ejjeh
Meriana Ejjehs Werke setzen sich aktuell aus abstrakter Kunst, Portraits und zukünftigen Projekten zusammen, farblich intensiv gestaltet lassen sie einen großen Spielraum für Interpretationen. Sie will Hoffnung in den Menschen erwecken, Freude, Stärke und Liebe verteilen. Die Kunst begleitet Meriana schon ein Leben lang, war und ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil ihres Lebens. Ihre Liebe zur Kunst begleitet sie schon immer und sie berührt die Menschen mit ihren Werken. Wenn Meriana an ihren Werken arbeitet, ist sie in einer Art Trance. Sie projiziert ihre Emotionen, ihr Inneres und die Art wie sie sich und ihre Welt sieht auf die Leinwand, hier kommt auch ihre zerbrechliche Seite zur Geltung. Niemals geradlinig oder konstant, ebenso wie das Leben spielt. Um ihren Horizont zu erweitern und ihre Ideen professionell umzusetzen, schulte sie ihre Fertigkeiten. Ihr Ziel ist es, in renommierten Museen auszustellen und ihre Werke weltweit zu verkaufen. Meriana stellt ihre Werke nun seit Januar 2020 der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung. Sie wird, anlässlich ihrer Vernissage, ein Interview geben und steht gerne für Fragen oder Gespräche bereit. Die MT Galerie freut sich darauf euch eine sehr begabte Künstlerin mit Empathie, Herz und enormem Fachwissen vorzustellen.
50x70x3 cm
Acryl auf Leinwand
Kunstblattgold, Kunstspachtel
1800 €
20x20x2 cm
Acryl auf Leinwand
Kunstspachtel, Sand
2 Stück 1200 €
20x40x2 cm
Acryl auf Leinwand
Acrylgold, Kunstblattgold
1225 €
20x40x2 cm
Acryl auf Leinwand
Acrylgold, Kunstblattgold
1025 €
25x30x2 cm
Acryl auf Leinwand
Zeitungspapier, Kunstspachel
655 €
20x20x2 cm
Acryl auf Leinwand
Zeitungspapier, Sand, Kunstblattgold
825 €
Georgi Takev
The artistHis works are oil paintings that depict abstracted, alienated faces and masks that reveal the experience and the inner life of people.he got his inspiration from observing folds of cloth and paper in which faces and archaic masks became visible by chance.he then began to experiment with these impressions and consciously designed some folds to show the most different expressions of human faces, such as smart, stupid, hurt, rough, interested, amused. In the end, it is the souls of people who have wandered through the centuries of history and carry their injuries, anger and joy within themselves. The goal of his artistic work is to encourage and show people that by looking at things in a different way, even the inconspicuous, feelings, thoughts and creativity are stimulated and released.